Quick Kimchi Fried Rice

Hi friends! 

As some of you may know, if you came from my last blog post the Start up Pizza. I am an ultimate beginner cook and today I'm back with a deliciously, quick and easy recipe for any Korean cuisine lovers! 

Today, we'll be following an easy 15 minute recipe for Kimchi Fried rice topped with some hot & crispy bacon. 

Before we got started, I wanted to share my first choice site for any and all Korean Recipes, called My Korean Kitchen! Sue, is a great cook and has a very easy way of explaining the steps to create these marvelous dishes. In fact, today's recipe is the one I started out with to enhance my cooking skills! After you have tried this one out, feel free to check out one of my all time fav dishes Bibimbap!

So let's get started!

Recipe: Kimchi Fried rice

For Ingredients, I used:

* the rest were also from Walmart, you can choose at your discretion. 
* Personally, I don't like mushrooms so I decided against it!

For Instructions:
  • I made sure to first measure and cut my ingredients so that I can have it ready for when it was needed
  • I then made sure to not only follow the step by step Instructions, but also scroll to the top of the page where Sue provides a picture of what the meal should look like at each step, with more details!

Here is how mine turned out!

Feel free to leave a comment or fill out a contact form with any questions, concerns or pictures and recipes of your own!
