Tips To Nail That Recipe When The Little Ones Are Around

If you are anything like me, one of the most common questions I hear in my household is "What are we going to eat?"  Which is que for me to start thinking  "What am I going to cook?" since I'm the one that does most of the cooking at home.

    My creativity in the kitchen isn't always the greatest, especially when I need to think of what to cook for my family and make sure that the picky one's are fed too.  Thankfully, there are hundreds of easy recipes you can find online or in any cook book for any skill level.

    That being said, for some of us, a recipe isn't always the simpliest thing to follow, no matter how straight forward it is.  When you're juggling work, homelife, kids homework and after school activities, that quick recipe might be a lifesaver.  I'd like to share with you a few tips that help me follow a recipe so it turns out the way it should rather than turning out to be a disaster.

1. Find The Recipe and Read It

How many times have you found a picure of a delcious plate of pasta with an amazing sauce made from scratch and said to yourself "How can I mess up pasta?  I can do this and it will be quick!"  Until you actually read the recipe and it takes a lot longer than you thought (time that you simply don't have on a weeknight).  

    It is so important to read the recipe, more than once.  It will help you to plan ahead and make sure it's the right recipe for you.

2. Check The Ingredients

The last thing you want is to be half way through the recipe and realize you are missing one of the key ingredients.

This goes back to reading the recipe.  Make sure you look at all the ingredients listed.  Leaving something out may change the entire flavour of the meal.  If you have everything, then it's time to move on.

3. Give Yourself Enough Time

There are no shortcuts in time when it comes to cooking (if you want to eat a meal that's cooked properly).

Remember to look at the prep time and the actual cooking time when choosing a recipe.  If you have a bunch of vegetables that need to be cut, this is going to add time to making your meal.

Most recipes list the prep and cooking time that are involved.  Always good to have a good glance and see if you've got enough time to get it done.

So, if it's soccer practice night, like it is in my house many nights, a recipe that takes an hour might have to wait untl the weekend.

4. Get Organized

There's nothing better than having everything you need in one place.  I like to get all my ingredients out so they can be added at the right time.  I find that measuring all the dry ingredients and putting them aside is a big help.

I also find it's great to have a book or phone stand to place your recipe on.  This way your aren't flipping through pages or constantly picking up your phone.

5. Follow The Instructions

The instructions are there for a reason.  Follow them!  Skipping a step can be crucial.  Another reason why it's good to read the recipe (more than once).

Give these tips a try!  They actually help me get less frustrated in the kitchen when I'm cooking especially when the little ones are around.  It also makes me feel like cooking can actually be fun and not just something I have to do (got to feed the family, right?).  Find a recipe you like, follow these tips and nail it!  Buon Appetito!

